Tarology, by Enrique Enriquez
There are so many ways people have read cards over the centuries. Like with any system we use to search for meaning, to make sense of things, the tarot has as many versions and as many styles of reading as there are readers. The longer I work with the cards, the more I end up back at patterns, shapes and relationships - the interconnectedness of things. Fixed meanings are more and more limiting.
I am enjoying rediscovering my wonder at the symbolism of the cards I first felt when I played with my mum’s Marseille deck when I was ten. I went a long way round, through the Rider-Waite in all its colourful, beautiful, exuberant forms, and have come full circle, back to the older cards, that I also use in coaching. Less is more when we are looking for patterns I think. The less clutter, the more the hidden shapes reveal themselves.
Whether you are interested in tarot yourself or not, this wonderful film by Enrique Enriquez is all about the magic of patterns and art. I am doing his pips (number cards) course at the moment, and his lively, refreshing way of seeing is enriching my own responses to the cards, the magic to be found in anything, and opening my eyes further to the patterns that are everywhere.
Here is the trailer to his film:
‘Tarology follows Enrique through the streets of New York City as he shows us how to see the tarot – not superstitiously, but through the eyes of an artist – and how we are surrounded everyday by both the beauty and the symbolism of this ancient and often misunderstood tradition.’
Three of Wands
What do you see?